Lafayette Dalton Asia Pacific UCITS Fund - B2 EUR ACC Fonds


2.183,25 EUR
-0,33 % -7,21
Börse Fondsges. in EUR
Stand 25.07.24 - 08:00:00 Uhr

Verkaufsunterlagen (PDF)

Basisinformationsblatt nicht verfügbar
-- Jahresbericht
-- Halbjahresbericht
-- Verkaufsprospekt


Fondskategorie Hedgefonds
Währung EURO
Ausgabeaufschlag Fondsgesellschaft --
Laufende Kosten
1,44 %
Art Thesaurierend
Fondsvolumen 147,10 Mio. EUR
Symbol --


Benchmark MSCI WOR..
Geschäftsjahr (Beginn) 01.01.
Ursprungsland Irland
Fondsmanager James B. Rose..
Auflagedatum 08.04.19
Zugelassen in AT, DE
Verwaltungsvergütung 0,9991 %
Performancegebühr Ja

Indexvergleich (in Euro)

Volatilität 1 Jahr 5 Jahre
8,55 +9,5 % +50,0 %
9,86 +20,3 % +80,8 %
9,86 +20,3 % +80,8 %


Nach Bestandteilen
23,7 % IT
15,4 % Industrials
14,5 % Financials
7,4 % Cons. Disc.
6,8 % Cons. Staples
Nach Ländern
21,1 % Korea
18,3 % Japan
14,3 % India
11,9 % Taiwan
3,3 % Australia

Alle Handelsplätze im Vergleich Fonds

LiveTrading Geld Brief Datum Zeit Gestellte Kurse
-- -- -- -- -- --
Börse Aktuell Datum Zeit Volumen Anzahl Kurse
Fondsges. in EUR
25.07.24 08:00 -- 4


The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve an attractive long-term capital appreciation. The Sub-Fund will take both long and short positions primarily in shares and similar securities of companies which are domiciled, listed or traded on markets in the Asia Pacific region, or companies which derive, or are expected to derive, a significant portion of their present or future revenue from the region. The Sub-Fund may invest in shares of any size of company, but will be focused on companies with a market capitalisation of more than US$500million. It will seek industry and sector diversification, including by having a minimum of 2 industry sectors and a maximum exposure to any single industry sector of 50% of Net Asset Value. The Sub-Fund may invest in collective investment schemes for investment purposes or for hedging purposes or to provide exposure to financial indices and shares and other securities that are consistent with the investment policy of the Sub-Fund. The Sub-Fund may also invest in fixed income securities such as government or corporate bonds, with up to 25% of the Net Asset Value of the Sub-Fund potentially invested in subinvestment grade bonds (rated as higher risk). Derivatives used by the Sub-Fund may include swaps, options, futures, warrants, forwards and contracts for difference and derivatives may be used to invest indirectly in shares or to hedge part or all of the investment risk in the Sub-Fund's portfolio. All short positions will be taken through derivatives. A derivative is a contract the value of which depends on the change in price of an agreed-upon underlying financial asset, index or security and which gives the holder the economic effect of an investment in the underlying asset without actually having to acquire it. As a result of using derivatives, it is expected that at any given time, the maximum net long exposure of the Sub-Fund is limited to 150% of the Net Asset Value, the maximum net short exposure of the Sub-Fund is limited to 100% of the Net Asset Value while on a gross basis, the total value of the Sub- Fund's long and short positions may be up to 250% of the Net Asset Value at any one time As well as exchange traded funds, the Sub-Fund may invest in other collective investment schemes which enable the Sub-Fund to achieve its investment objective. The Sub-Fund may invest in cash and money market instruments for cash management purposes. The Sub- Fund may also enter into repurchase, reverse repurchase and stock lending agreements for efficient portfolio management purposes.



Name Waystone Management Com..
Anschrift Shelbourne Road 35
D04 A4E0 Dublin , IE
Verwahrstelle Northern Trust Fiduciar..


  23,700 % IT
  15,400 % Industrials
  14,500 % Financials
  7,400 % Cons. Disc.
  6,800 % Cons. Staples
  6,300 % Energy
  4,500 % Materials
  2,900 % Comm.
  1,300 % Health Care
  17,200 % übrige Bestandteile


  21,100 % Korea
  18,300 % Japan
  14,300 % India
  11,900 % Taiwan
  3,300 % Australia
  3,300 % Inflation Hedge
  2,700 % Singapore
  0,800 % Vietnam
  0,700 % Thailand
  23,600 % übrige Länder
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Datenquelle "Fondsprospekte":
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Datenquelle "Morningstar Rating":
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